Since January 9, 2013, it has been mandatory for all property advertisements to display the energy rating of the building. This applies to advertisements in newspapers, magazines, written material from landlords or estate agents, and online listings. The energy rating, ranging from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient), must be clearly shown to inform potential buyers or tenants about the property's energy efficiency.

Obtaining a Domestic EPC offers several benefits, including:

  • Cost Savings: Identify ways to reduce energy usage and lower utility bills.

  • Environmental Impact: Contribute to a greener environment by improving energy efficiency.

  • Informed Decisions: Buyers and tenants can make informed decisions based on the energy efficiency of a property.

Obtaining a Domestic EPC is a straightforward process. Our accredited assessors will visit your property, evaluate various factors like insulation, heating systems, and windows, and provide a detailed report. The assessment usually takes around 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the property's size and complexity.

What is a Domestic Energy Performance Certificate or Domestic EPC?

Steps to Obtain an EPC

  1. Find a Qualified Assessor: Start by finding a qualified assessor through the EPC Register or by contacting local estate agents who can recommend trusted professionals.

  2. Book an Assessment: Once you've found an assessor, schedule a visit to your property at a convenient time.

  3. Assessment Visit: During the visit, the assessor will evaluate various aspects of your property, including insulation, heating systems, windows, and other factors that impact energy efficiency.

  4. Receive Your EPC: After the assessment, you'll receive the Energy Performance Certificate, which includes the property's energy efficiency rating and recommendations for improvement. This certificate is essential for property advertisements and listings.

Importance of EPCs

EPCs are crucial for anyone looking to sell or rent a property, as they ensure transparency about the property's energy efficiency. Since January 2013, it has been mandatory to display energy ratings in all property advertisements, helping potential buyers or tenants make informed decisions and promoting awareness about energy efficiency. This step has been significant in encouraging property owners to improve their energy performance and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Why Choose EPC Net?

At EPC Net, we pride ourselves on delivering reliable and comprehensive EPC assessments in London. Our team of qualified professionals ensures a thorough evaluation, providing you with accurate and actionable insights. We offer:

  • Competitive Pricing

  • Quick Turnaround Time

  • Professional Service

An Domestic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a vital document required for properties when they are built, sold, or rented. It provides detailed information about a property's energy efficiency and typical energy costs. The EPC includes recommendations for improving energy efficiency, helping homeowners save on energy bills.

Legal Requirements for Domestic EPC

Benefits of an EPC

How to Obtain a Domestic EPC

Frequently asked questions

What is an EPC?

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that provides an energy efficiency rating for a property, along with recommendations for improvement.

How does your product/service work?

We offer a [brief explanation of how your product or service helps your customers]. Our process is [simple/efficient/convenient] and [positive adjective] for you.

Why do I need an EPC?

An EPC is legally required when selling or renting a property. It helps buyers and tenants understand the property's energy efficiency and potential costs.

How long is an EPC valid?

An EPC is valid for ten years from the date of issue.

How is an EPC rating calculated?

The rating is calculated based on the energy efficiency of the building's structure, heating, lighting, and insulation.